© 2025, Nutrien Ag Solutions, Inc
Soybean acres are trending upward in Western Canada, with more growers adding them to their rotation. Knowing this, we’re also aware that issues of weed resistance from kochia, water hemp, palmer amaranth and other weeds can put a pin in your plans for a solid soybean crop. Luckily, new herbicide technologies can serve as a tool to combat weed resistance and serve as a solid strategy to get your crops off to the right start.
Proven® Seed has access to new soybean technologies, and we are steadily building on our trait offerings within our extensive trial program done right here in Western Canada. Because these soybeans are tested across the Prairies on various soil types and growing conditions, we know our products will perform where it matters most – in your field.
As trait technologies advance in the Canadian soybean market, we are committed to bringing forward a selection of varieties that improve year over year. For the 2025 planting year, we have six varieties with Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® technology, and two XtendFlex® soybeans. Within our trial program are two new XtendFlex experimentals and Enlist E3® technology which is launching in our 2026 portfolio.
In 2024, we retired three varieties and replaced them with three new Proven Seed products, which provided a 5.1 bu/ac yield advantage over the previous class, proving our commitment to enhancing performance in your fields.
Prioritize herbicide-resistant varieties and leverage resources like Nutrien Ag Solutions’ Crop Production Advisors to craft a comprehensive disease management strategy for your farm. With our access to the latest in innovative technologies and industry-leading genetics, Proven Seed is bred, tested and proven to perform in your local soil.