© 2025, Nutrien Ag Solutions, Inc
We’ve walked the fields. We know the conditions. We work where you farm.
For more than 20 years, we’ve been developing and delivering prairie-proven seed to growers across Western Canada. Our history in homegrown research continues to deliver a consistent seed portfolio under the Proven Seed brand. Depend on our reputation and reliability for quality seed – grown for Western Canadian conditions.
Driving consistent quality products for western Canadian growers
Research and Development is the heart of our work at Proven Seed. It’s where we start and it’s how we continually improve and expand our seed offering. Our extensive research and development program includes dedicated researchers committed to providing consistent, high-quality seed products that meet the needs of growers across Western Canada.
Our purpose is to breed and supply a pipeline of elite varieties for Proven Seed. We start with the best germplasm in order to deliver the best seed products with the best traits. We put every variety and hybrid through rigorous testing before making them available through the Nutrien Ag Solutions network of retailers. Canola is a focal point of our world-class research program.Cereal research continues to be a part of our program, and we’re increasing our work in corn and soybeans as those acres continue to rise in Western Canada.
Every year, we test these products in more than 60 farmer-run Field Performance Checks and Local Performance Checks, to bring local data to farmers. The Nutrien Ag Solutions Research and Development team has a strong history of continuous Canadian research – building momentum for two decades. Our team includes more than 50 dedicated staff in Canada and Australia – many with more than 15 years with our research program – plus more than 25 seasonal employees from top agricultural schools in Canada.
This Seed Belongs Here.
We invest in research that helps growers consistently produce bigger and better crops. Our Canadian breeding and screening team works with global research partners to access the very best germplasm.
We extensively test and evaluate seed varieties across the Prairies through our Proven Performance Check program to identify the ones best suited to local conditions. Local data results, together with the expert advice of our Proven Seed agronomists, gives you the information you need to make the best seed selection for your farm.
Seed production is a priority. And we work with CSGA growers to produce, clean, condition and test our seed to ensure the highest level of quality control. We test every seed lot extensively for disease, purity and germination – to give you confidence in your seed investment.
With strong connections to processors and exporters in Canada and around the world, we see emerging needs and respond quickly to fill future market demands. We work with the very best in the industry to deliver the strongest genetics in our Proven Seed line.