Agronomy for your Acres - Episode 4 Brocton Roesner

Posted May 31, 2024 | By: Nutrien Ag Solutions

As growers look beyond planting, Brocton Roesner, Facility Manager at Nutrien Ag Solutions, shares his insights on the nitrogen practices that are working.


Episode Transcript:

Farm Progress broadcast presents this Week in Agribusiness Serving America's most essential industry brought to you by Case IH solutions for every challenge, equipment for every farm Case IH, Built by farmers. Hello, everyone, and thanks for joining us here for This Week in Agribusiness. I'm Mike Pearson. Across the country, farmers have been making progress and getting their corn and soybeans in the ground.

And that progress is the focus of this week's Agronomy for Your Acres with our friends from Nutrien Ag Solutions. Joining us this week is Brocton Roesner. He's a crop consultant from outside Jasper, Indiana, in Brocton. How is planning progress looking in your neck of the woods? Hey, Mike. Thanks for having me today. I wish I could tell you that all of our crop looks like the field I'm standing in right now.

But it does not. We had a window at the end of March that was very fit. I think conditions once the calendar flipped to April. We have been battling rains ever since then. We have not dried out since that end of March. We are currently 50 to 60% planted on corn and looking for a window here soon to get the crop finished up.

All right. And of course, as farmers make progress with that planting, they're going to look ahead to the rest of the season. And nitrogen is always a concern. What's working for nitrogen management? Sure, there are lots of application methods and products. But what I have found to work is a three-tiered program. And that means splitting our nitrogen requirements up in thirds, whether that is plant at plant or side dressed.

This gives us a lot of flexibility and allows us to maximize every pound of nitrogen. If you're thinking about maximizing those pounds, how can we protect our nitrogen? Brocton. Yeah, So really there's two main types of losses that we worry about is volatility and leaching. There are stabilizers that we can use such as instinct or nitrogen Express that one of my favorite way to protect from loss is to use, as in it is a polymer encapsulated urea that will release nitrogen over a period of time.

All right, Brocton, other than nitrogen, what other nutrients are you advising your farmers to pay attention to this season? It all starts with a good plan a P and K and the soil for your yield goals. The next low hanging fruit would be sulfur. It's commonly deficient in our soils. On a micronutrient level, we are seeing benefits from supplemental boron and zinc.

Brocton Let's talk a little bit as you think. How can farmers raise the bar on their corn yields? Now, I can't be giving away all of my secrets today, but I can tell you that each operation is different. I would advise each grower to take a step back and reevaluate their current program. Sit down with a trusted advisor and look for ways to improve whether that be more drain tile, more uniform emergence.

But what one thing I have found to change in my generation has been the inclusion of fungicide program. And with crop prices where they are higher, yields are more important than ever. They certainly are. Brocton Roesner Nutrien Ag Solutions. Thanks for joining us this week. Thank you. You can learn more at



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